Thursday, September 19, 2013

5 easy steps to maintaining a clean home...

We always see how our house gets messy so fast.. I am a mom and I also work full time but always manage to keep our family home looking great. Follow these easy 5 steps to keep your home clean. If it works for me it will work for you..

Step 1:  Pick up after yourself every time. If you just used a plate from the kitchen make sure you take it back.
Step 2: I don't know about you but I have a young child, messes always happen toys all over the floor, to keep that at a minimum I make sure all toys are in there appropriate spot before bed time it takes not more then 5 minutes and the house looks so much better.
Step 3: Spend 20 to 30 minutes before bed and make sure all dishes are in the dishwasher, floors are clean and the living room is free of clutter. Yes this is so easy but waking up to a picked up house makes your day happier.
Step 4: Do a load of laundry every day if possible. I am still getting into the routine with this, but as our mamas said when we were kids " a load of laundry a day keeps the piles away".
Step5: Set up a cleaning routine whether its a morning or evening hours or anytime during the day, this will not only help you maintain steps 1 to 4 but also help you get at least one room in your house picked up and clean.. It works trust me,even a simple thing like cleaning all the baseboards in the house will make the home shine.

I hope you enjoy these tips. They honestly work for me and I hope they work for you as well. Let me know if you have some tips or just simply if they made your life easier. Thank you so much for reading...

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